What’s Going On…

Hi all, so what’s going on with the Being Human Cast.

Well last week Suzi and I recorded Episode Two. However sadly my dog died earlier this week which obviously threw my schedule in the air. I’m still sad and we all miss her, but I’m starting to get back on top of things.

So don’t worry it’s recorded and once I finish the edit it will be posted, hopefully by mid next week at the latest.


Admin Fun

Hi all, okay I decided after some thinking and some feedback that episode one needs to be BHC001. So this has meant renaming all the files. I thought it best to do that now rather than after we publish episode 2.

Now I have no idea what this will do to iTunes, sorry if it messes any of you around.


Guy Fawkes Night

So it’s bonfire night, I must admit that I don’t get too excited about Halloween but I really like bonfire night. I hope that if you are in the UK you are having / have had a great time.

Now if there is anyone who doesn’t know what bonfire night is, check this out:

Guy Fawkes

Essentially this is a very old English tradition, mainly consisting of a bonfire on which an effigy of Guy is burned normally accompanied by fireworks. It is also where the word guy, meaning a man, comes from in modern language.

iPhone, Symbian etc.

Hi all, the site should now be more easily accessible from Touchphones, PDA’s, mobiles etc.

Try it out, let us know what you think…


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