BHC002 – Episode 2 Review…

So we’re back at last with Episode 2 in which we review Episode 2 of Being Human, at times I think Suzi and I wondered if this would ever get posted. To say life has been manic for us both…

Anyway here it is, hopefully you’ll enjoy it, if you do please leave comments on the site, on iTunes etc.

Promo: Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland


As we never got chance to post about it at the time we just want to send our congratulations to the BBC team for all the awards the show has gotten in the last few weeks:

The Writers’ Guild Of Great Britain Awards 2009


RTS* Craft & Design Awards 2008/9

4 Replies to “BHC002 – Episode 2 Review…”

  1. Hey there 🙂 is Ash (acridineorange from the forums)

    I think I’ll have to agree with Suzi. I don’t think George would turn into Tully. I think he would become a horrible recluse and give into his depression. Kind of where we found him when he worked at that diner where Mitchell saved him from being killed. He just did his routine and tried not to kill anyone, and tried to stay out of sight. his friends is what gave him his life back, but i dont think he’s become an immature “hound” like Tully became.

    Also Andy, sorry about the passing of your dog 🙁 its hard i know! (miss my Pudgie)


  2. Sending greetings from the U.S.

    I just found this site and am listening to the reviews from the beginning. Thanks for leaving the podcasts up in thier entirety.

    I’m still grieving over Mitchell, and anxiously looking forward to Season 4.

    BH 4 ever!

  3. Hey Barbara, thanks for listening… Yep we’ve only reviewed through to the end of S2 so far but hope to get S3 done as soon as we can… Life outside of the podcast has been pretty intense for the crew recently but we really want to wrap reviewing S3 before S4 starts next year…


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